Employment support for young people based in Lambeth & Southwark

Would you benefit from a helping hand applying for jobs, apprenticeships or training opportunities?


Our Employment & Careers service offers free, person-centred employment support for young people (aged 16 to 24) living in Lambeth or Southwark.

We can provide support with:

  • career planning

  • regular one-to-one sessions

  • help with CV writing

  • interview workshops

  • skills building

  • identifying job vacancies and help with application writing

  • financial assistance to get you into employment

What will the 10-week employability programme look like?

  • Career planning: Personalised guidance to help you identify and pursue your career goals.

  • Regular one-to-one sessions: Individualised support and mentoring to address specific challenges and barriers to employment.

  • Help with CV writing: Practical assistance in creating a professional CV to showcase skills and experiences effectively.

  • Interview preparation: Interactive sessions to enhance interview skills, boost confidence, and increase job interview success.

  • Skills building: Opportunities to acquire and develop essential skills valued by employers.

  • Identifying job vacancies and application writing assistance: Support finding job opportunities and navigating the application process.

who can apply?

The #BuildYourFuture programme is open to young people between the ages of 16 and 24 who are unemployed, not in education or training, and living in Lambeth or Southwark.

How can you apply?

To apply, please complete this quick registration form, and one of the Spiral team members will get back to you. To find out more information, contact Luna Ali at luna@spiralskills.co.uk

brought to you by

We are proud partners of this collaborative opportunity, which has been created and delivered to you by Spiral Skills, High Trees, Rathbone, IRMO and Juvenis funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.


May Issue - A summer full of opportunities awaits! 🌞


Meet Andrea - Our People