Hands-On Learning for a Brighter Future

Aishah's Journey at City Heights E-ACT Academy

Aishah is a bright young participant in the Inspire Programme at City Heights E-ACT Academy, a groundbreaking initiative designed to bridge the gap between education and employment. This programme provides young people with practical skills and the confidence needed to succeed in their future careers. Aishah's story is a testament to the programme's impact and the transformative power of hands-on learning.

A Practical Approach to Learning

"My favourite activity was the marketing project we did with OMD," Aishah recalls with enthusiasm. "It was so hands-on and practical, exactly what I want from an apprenticeship." This project was part of a series of workshops aimed at giving participants real-world experience. The marketing project, in particular, allowed Aishah and her peers to work on real campaigns, fostering creativity and strategic thinking.

These practical activities are at the heart of the Inspire Programme. Funded by local and national partners, the programme targets students from diverse backgrounds who face barriers to employment. By focusing on hands-on learning, the programme helps participants like Aishah develop crucial skills that are directly applicable to the workplace.

Building Confidence and Communication

Throughout the programme, Aishah noticed significant improvements in her communication skills. "I've developed a lot of communication skills, especially teamwork," she explains. "Working in a team has made me more confident, especially when presenting in front of others." This boost in confidence is one of the key outcomes the Inspire Programme aims to achieve. Participants learn to articulate their ideas clearly and work collaboratively by engaging in group projects and presentations.

I’ve developed a lot of communication skills, especially teamwork. Working in a team has made me more confident, especially when presenting in front of others.

Weekly workshops with industry professionals further enhance this learning experience. "Having professionals come in and teach us about their jobs makes the experience more real and valuable," says Aishah. These interactions provide participants with a direct line to the world of work, offering inspiration and practical advice from those who have succeeded in their fields.

Creating a Supportive Community

"For people who are shy, these services are crucial. They provide a safe community where everyone feels included," Aishah notes. The Inspire Programme is designed to foster a supportive environment where young people can thrive. Being part of a community that values each member's contributions helps participants feel secure and motivated.

Aishah's journey through the programme exemplifies its success in creating such a community. "This experience will be valuable for my future. Putting it on my CV shows that I'm part of a community known for helping others and working well with people, which makes me more attractive to employers" she says. The skills and confidence she has gained are helping her now and will continue to benefit her as she pursues her career goals.

This experience will be valuable for my future. Putting it on my CV shows that I’m part of a community known for helping others and working well with people, which makes me more attractive to employers.

Impressive Impact

The City Heights E-ACT Academy Inspire Programme has had a profound impact on its participants:

  • 60% of young people either maintained or improved their skills.

  • 84% of young people improved or maintained their self-esteem.

  • 75% of participants maintained or improved their work readiness.

  • 83% of young people felt they could achieve their goals, an 8% increase.

  • 83% felt confident in writing a good CV, up 33%.

  • 92% felt they could be successful at job interviews, a 17% increase.

Work experience feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with young people rating their week 8/10. Remarkably, 100% of participants felt they developed skills that will help them in their future, and 91% believed the work placements would help them achieve their career goals.

Inspiring Future Careers

The Inspire Programme had a profound impact on Aishah's outlook on her future. "I just love being part of this programme. Seeing professionals at work is inspiring and has motivated me to explore my interests in engineering and digital marketing," she shares. The programme's blend of practical activities, professional mentorship, and supportive community has opened new doors for Aishah and her peers.

I just love being part of this programme. Seeing professionals at work is inspiring and has motivated me to explore my interests in engineering and digital marketing.

Get Involved

The Inspire Programme continues to grow and evolve, aiming to reach even more young people, providing them with the tools they need to succeed. Aishah's story is just one example of how this programme is making a difference. By supporting initiatives like the Inspire Programme, we can help create opportunities for all young people, empowering them to build brighter futures.

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You can make a difference. Visit our website to learn more about our programmes and how you can support or partner with us. Together, we can inspire and empower the next generation. Donate now or get in touch to explore partnership opportunities and make a lasting impact.


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